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How do I take this medicine?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2022 1:48 pm
by Basharat Ahmad
Homeopathic medicine is available in pellets or liquid dilution form. A dose is considered as the number of times a remedy is taken, not the number of pellets or amount of liquid ingested.

Each product’s label will provide general dosage instructions. For pellets, pour the pellets into the cap; from the cap, place the remedy under the tongue. Avoid placing the pellets in your hands. Allow the pellets to dissolve in your mouth.

Although the labels on the medicine provide general dosage instructions, you should always defer to your practitioner’s instructions when under his/her care. How the medicine is taken is totally dependent upon the severity of the illness or symptom set that is being treated, so working with a homeopathic practitioner or serious self-study is recommended.